Purify your air with whole house air filters

Get industrial strength air filtration systems to purify your whole house. Even if your water is free of contaminants, mineral deposits can cause damage to your plumbing and appliances over time, and cause dry and irritated skin. Installing a whole house water filtration system provides a safe, simple, and more affordable solution to ensure thatRead More

Water and water filters – the advantages

From Phoxwater: Here are 21 benefits you can access with filtered water: Eliminate Tap Water Odour Do you ever turn on the kitchen tap in a bid to rehydrate yourself only to baulk at the odour emanating from the water? Tap water is treated with a range of chemicals and is exposed to heavy metals whichRead More

Mountain Valley Spring Water

Mountain Valley water originates at a protected spring just west of Highway 7 North, approximately twelve miles from downtown Hot Springs. In 1871, pharmacist Peter E. Greene and his brother, John Greene, were the first to sell Mountain Valley Spring Water, which was then known in the Hot Springs area as “Lockett’s Spring Water” becauseRead More

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