Space! The Final Frontier: Secrets NASA Doesn’t Want You To Know
Parts of this work were previously published as “Stargate Chronicles”, although not very well or very successfully. Most of the few chapters that were published were on the Internet, but that was only the first ten chapters. The following parts of this work are even more incredible, as you will note, but they are incredibly real and yanks the curtain back on some really super secret activities. Author Clark McClelland was an engineer with NASA for thirty-five years and was an ScO – that is Spacecraft Operator and it meant that he was checked out to operate the space crafts on the ground. He was well qualified and important for his work with NASA………before he “fell from grace” at KSC. As you read all the incredible secrets he tells in this work – the sabotage, the intrigue, the accusations of treason, the high-ranking men of the 3rd Reich he worked with who were officially dead prior to them coming to Florida – you will wonder how he is still alive. As it is, he’s had one leg amputated and is lying in a bed in an assisted living facility, just waiting to die – maybe a warning to others?
About the author Clark C. McClelland, ScO – https://clarkcmcclelland.wordpress.com/career/
Education and Training
- Western Pennsylvania Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA Structural Design Technology/Mathematics, 1957 (GPA 4.0).
- Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh, PA, Planetary Reseach.
- Buhl Planetarium of Science, Pittsburgh, PA Optical / Telescope Science, Astronomy.
- US Naval Instructors Institute, Philadelphia, PA, Security of Information, etc.
- USAF / USN / USA Missile Systems Command Institute, Cape Canaveral, FL 1958 – 1968
- NASA Space Science Institute / Launch Vehicle / Spacecraft Technical School, Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center, FL
- Brevard Community College, Cocoa, FL 1962 – 63, 1971, 1991 Technical Administration / Communications / Shuttle Airframe & Power Plant – A&P (Certified for KSC Space Shuttle ScO)
- Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA Preparing / writing technical reports.
- Computer Data Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA PMS – 4 Computer Program Management Systems.
United States Military Service
United States Navy, 8 years, Honorable Discharge. Served concurrently with Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) assignments at Cape Canaveral and Patrick Air Force Base, FL.
Technical Qualifications & Skills
- NASA Astronaut Applicant 1964. Later was assigned as a Space Shuttle ScO.
- Aerospace engineering and structural designer of rocket service towers, launch control facilities, fuel farms, etc.
- Contract administration and facility operations management, KSC, etc.
- Astronomical, aerospace and science lectures (multi-day symposiums) at national universities.
- Municipal Government / City Administration, Titusville, FL Assistant City Manager.
- Designed several Apollo moon landing crew emblems, Apollo 10, Apollo 11 first lunar landing patch for Neil Armstrong.
- U.S. Space Program, Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center, FL
- Participant and witness (to date) of 673 NASA space launchings and military ICBMs, IRBMs
- Technical Assistant to the Apollo Program Manager (APM), Admiral Roderick O. Middleton, all Apollo lunar landings
- Mechanical engineer / Spacecraft Operator (ScO) GTA Ground Test Astronaut, Space Shuttle Fleet, Kennedy Space Center, Florida.
- Space Shuttle Launch Operations/Mission Technical Coordinator/Specialist, Launch Control Center (Secret LCC). Assisted in launching numerous shuttle missions, rockets, etc.
Special Scientific Research Programs, Organizations and Exploration
- Stellar Parallax Program, Allegheny Observatory. The initial Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and other planets in our galaxy, 1948-1958.
- Public Relations Director, Florida Association of Marine Explorers (FAME) Treasure Divers, 1968 – 70.
- Member, Peninsular Archaeological Society of Florida.
Affiliations, Awards and Honors
- Exclusive Charter Member of the Missile, Range and Space Pioneers, Cape Canaveral, Kennedy Space Center, FL 1958-1992.
- Gift of the Presidential Seal patch from President, John F. Kennedy, November 16, 1963. Only six days before he went to Dallas, Texas and becoming a legend. McClelland met Kennedy twice at Cape Canaveral and KSC.
- Apollo 8 circumlunar direct participation medal, 1968.
- Apollo 11 actual mission patch, designed by McClelland
- Apollo 11 first lunar landing direct participation medal, 1969.
- Apollo 11 Roll of Honor Medal and his name, Clark C. McClelland was placed on the Apollo Roll of Honor Scroll that was placed below the surface of the moon at Tranquility Base, July 20, 1969.
- NASA Manned Flight Awareness Honoree, medal and certificate, 1969.
- First launch of the Space Shuttle STS-1 Columbia medal, April 4, 1981.
- Received three small United States Flags, “Old Glory” attached to official NASA documents from Astronaut James B. Irwin, Apollo 15 and two other crews, of the Apollo 12 and Apollo 16 missions that flew three flags to the moon and returned them for Clark.
- Research award for observations of 106 Messier objects, Astronomical League of the USA, 1976.
- Honorary member, Lakota Sioux Native American Nation, given the name: Flying Eagle – Manitou by Chief Whitewolf, Lakota-Mandan at a Blood Brother Ceremony, December 1992.
- 32nd degree member of the Ancient Order of F&AM Lodge 301, York Rite, Knight Templar (specializing in the Ark of the Covenant and Holy Grail)
- Key to the City of Titusville, Florida, fighting drug abuse and city service, 1972
The name, Clark C. McClelland, with others, was placed on a compact disc that impacted Comet Tempel 1 during the Deep Impact Mission to the comet that arrived and impacted successfully on the comet, July 4, 2005. This was also an early test of a system to potentially combat a future earth impact of a large asteroid or comet by hitting a bullet with a bullet in deep space, an event that which the survival of the human race will depend.